We help schools, districts, and higher education institutions improve the quality of teaching and learning, and assess value-added in student learning by using reliable measures to evaluate the learning outcomes of their academic programs.

There are many measurable parts to the educational process from pre-K to primary to secondary to post-secondary education.  All stakeholders involved in the educational process need to know and understand what is occurring, when, and why.  An effective educational program needs a monitoring and evaluation process to answer these pivotal questions concerning the functionality their program(s):

  • To what extent is the program being implemented according to the goals and objectives of the program?


    • What are the strengths of the program? Which segments of the program are working well and why?


      • What are the opportunities for improvement? Which segments of the program are not working as well and why?


        • What are the results and impact of the program on learners, student achievement, and/or educational goals?


          • How well did the program do what it was intended to do?


            • How do stakeholders (learners, educators, community, etc.) feel about the program?

Precise Data Consulting provides monitoring and evaluation services to schools, districts and higher education in the following capacities:

  • Monitor and evaluate outcomes of academic programs to determine the impact of the program on student gains and learning outcomes.

    • Use data to focus intentionally on gaps in instruction to aid teachers in developing instructional strategies targeted to unique deficits.


      • Perform forecast and predictive analyses of students’ summative performance.


        • Disaggregate raw data to gauge outcomes of external factors impacting student outcomes.


          • Use data analytics to support allocation of resources towards initiatives targeting strengths and opportunities for improvement.


            • Track and measure student college and career readiness to determine the overall effectiveness of the educational program.


              • Provide professional development on “how-to” disaggregate and interpret test results, implement formative assessment strategies, use data in planning and collaboration, and other topics related to teaching and learning.


                • Develop and administer methods of qualitative data collection – e., surveys, focus groups, interviews, observations, etc. – to gather stakeholders’ reactions, feedback, and input in the learning process.